Tuesday 8 July 2014

Summer Team Cup 2014 - Game 1 - Grey Knights + Inquisition

ARMY DESCRIPTION: Grey Knights + Inquisition(allies)

Primary Detachment

HQ:nquisitor Coteaz,w - [100]
Troops1:Inqusitorial henchman warband Warrior acolyte x10( Stormboltersx10): [70]
Troops2:Inqusitorial henchman warband Warrior acolyte x3(Stormboltersx3): [21]

FA:Stormraven Gunship  twin Assault Cannon; twin Multi-melta - [205]

HS1: Nemesis Dreadknight (Personal teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword, Heavy Incenerato,nemesis doomfist) [260 pts]

HS2: Nemesis Dreadknight( nemesis greatsword; heavy psycannon;nemesis doomfist; personal teleporter)[270 pts]

HS3: Nemesis Dreadknight( nemesis greatsword;heavy Incenerator, heavy psycannon; nemesis doomfist; personal teleporter)[300 pts] 

Aegis Defence Line (Quadgun) - [100]

Allyed detachment 

HQ: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psyker, force sword, rad granades, psychotroke granades, Liber heresius, x2 servo-skulls): [106]

Troops1:Inqusitorial henchman warband Crusader (x3), Deathcult Assasin (x5), Ministorum priest: [145]
HS1:Land Rider Crusader (Psybolt ammunition, Multi-melta, Searchlight) - [266]
TOTAL [1843]

The primary mission was to score 5 objectives at the end of the game. Secondary were to chose some, and my was to destroy one of the Knights and to have more units in the enemy deployment zone, then he got in mine.

I got everething on the table, but kept Horrors in reserve... GK were to come first.

And Death Star had forewarning and misfortune :3

Actually, they killed few screamers on their 1st turn.

On my 1st turn, I slayed the targeted Knight as a first blood. Oh, and there was a pack of plaguebearers on the Storm!

Every single turn, the Death Star and the Bastions killed the other Knights to leave LR alone. And when Stormraven arrived, it couldn't use the mindstrikes, because of loads of intercept fire, that locked it's velocity. But, Knights did annihilate 2 of the buildings. 

Then, the plaguebearers charged the acolytes on the enemy Aegis, and captured the Quad Gun, helping the Bastion to destroy the Raven, that still couldn't use the mindstrikes, because it couldn't see  the target - my units blocked it's way - the velocity is locked!

At the end of the game, my opponent decided to disembark from LR to deny the objective with plaguebearers... I don't know why did he do it, when I did still hold the other ones, but he did not, nor he made any secondary objective.

Then, Kairos stepped on the foot, destroying transport, and Deathstar charged misfortuned conclave, leaving it to flee from the table.

20 - 0, Daemons rule!

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