HQ1 : Keeper of Secrets; Psyker (Mastery Level 3); Greater Reward; Exalted Reward [270] - Warlord
HQ2 : Heralds of Chaos
HQ2.1 : Herald of Slaanesh; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2); Exalted Locus of Beguilement; Steed of Slaanesh [160]
HQ2.2 : Herald of Slaanesh; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2); Steed of Slaanesh [130]
HQ2.3 : Herald of Slaanesh; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2); Steed of Slaanesh [130]
Elite1 : 6 Fiends of Slaanesh [210]
Troop1 : 10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle [90]
Troop2 : 11 Daemonettes of Slaanesh [99]
Troop3 : 11 Daemonettes of Slaanesh [99]
HS1 : Daemon Prince; Daemon of Slaanesh; Daemonic Flight; Warp-Forged Armour; 2 Greater Rewards; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [330]
HS2 : Daemon Prince; Daemon of Slaanesh; Daemonic Flight; Warp-Forged Armour; 2 Greater Rewards; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [330]
TOTAL [1848]
1) The Warlord. First of all, about the Warlord Trait. For a long time, I've rolled the Trait with the Daemonic table. But, I've just sat down and thought. There is only one result that is interesting to me - re-roll of the Warp Storm. But it's so rare to be rolled, and other results ain't very interesting. So, now I think to use the Command Traits table.
The Warlord here is a Keeper of Secrets. His role on the table is to cast the Telepathy, to use the Grimoire or Portalglyph and to support the other troops. If we're the only attackers, and the opponent is just holding his positions, the Keeper moves to assault. But if the opponent is rushing my troops as an answer to me, then Keeper holds my positions in deployment zone, to support my troops on the objectives.
2) Fiend-boing. The boing consists of fiends themselves and 3 Heralds of Slaanesh. All of the Heralds shall cast powers from Telepathy lore. Also, they pick the Greater Etherblades from their Greater Rewards (This means, 4 attacks ws7 s5 ap2 i7 each Herald without charge). The last one, the babe with the locus. The squad gains the re-rolls for "to hit", which is very fearsome with their Etherblades. Also, the Locusbabe will target the characters with the challange. For example, she can take down the Rune Priests in the Imperial Guard Platoons. This is very useful function, cause the damn Rune Priest has no problem with slaying the DP - he can even deny my Iron Arm on a roll of 4+! Oh, and the -5 ini penalty. It's great combo with a locus girl and her challanges. Also, that rule is useful against "hit'n'run" special rule for the turn, that we are charging. Also, sometimes it is useful to detach one Herald and make her an "overwatch victim". That method rescued me from tau couple of times.
3) Troops. Plagueberers. I was pretty surprised reading the rosters from grand tournaments and didn't find plaguebearers in it. This is a great home scoring unit... Every time they were slain - they were the last. I mean, if my plaguebearers are slain, that means, that the opponent allready made me a wipeout...
Daemonettes. A great unit for a deep strike, I think. First of all, just because of the Slaaneshi run. Then, they can function as a light charge unit, and an "overwatch victims". Also, sometimes it could be useful to join the Heralds to them, when you really need to put somebody off the objective.
4) Daemon Princes. Some Sort of the Skyfire. I mean, they will take something rolled + Lash of Despair on their Greater Rewards. But sometimes - against tau, for example, it could be more useful not to take the Lash, if both good Rewards been rolled. Oh, and they roll the powers from the Biomancy lore.
5) Psychic Powers. Telepathy... A little or not, but it's 9 rolls by the Telepathy. We're interested in 3 casts (I don't count the Psychic Shrike)
1. Terrify. Mosts of boings that are played in Russia are fearless. It's a great benefit to make them lose that rule. And don't forget that the falling back unit will automatically fail the next morale checks. One day, I've almost made the 50-men Plaaton with Azrael and Ezekiel to flee off the table. But, a few inches left, and the opponent rolled the final "Deny the Witch". And I didn't take off 25% of the squad by shooting. 2 more guardsmen, and it could by a bad day for DA :)
2. Invisibility. The Prime Power for that roster. The target is the Fiend-boing.
3. Hallucinations. I think, there's no need to present this Power to you.
The weak points of the roster.
a) Tau and Dark Eldar (Venomspam). Too much fire. The army isn't tough enough to survive and punish that armies. We have some chance, if the first turn is ours, but we must be completely careful and pray for a lucky dice.
b) Mass-flyers. Necrons, for example. They don't wipe us out, but they survive enough to play by the difference in VP and to score the objectives better then us. How to fight them? Lucky Dice!
The final word for the roster. It war written for the team games, not for solo. Just because, there's too much counter-much-ups existing in solo game :)