Monday, 19 January 2015

Sporthammer : The Zero Hour - Game 3 - Eldar + Legion of the Damned

Previous game

HQ1: Warlord - Spirit Seer (70) - [70]

Troop 1: 5 Dire Avengers (65) in transport 1 - [65]
Troop 2: 5 Dire Avengers (65) in transport 2 - [65]
Troop 3: 5 Dire Avengers (65) in transport 3 - [65]
Troop 4: 5 Dire Avengers (65) in transport 4 - [65]

Fast Attack 1: 5 Warp Spiders [95]

HS1: Wraithknight (240), Two Heavy Wraithcannons (0) - [240]
HS2: Wraithknight (240), Two Heavy Wraithcannons (0) - [240]
HS3: Wraithknight (240), Two Heavy Wraithcannons (0) - [240]

Transport 1: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo Fields (15), Ghostwalk Matrix (10) - [145]
Transport 2: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo Fields (15) - [135]
Transport 3: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo Fields (15) - [135]
Transport 4: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo Fields (15) - [135]

Allied Detachment: Legion of the Damned

Elite 1: Legion of the Damned (125),Meltagun (10),Multi-melta (10), Combi –Meltagun (10)(155)


Mission - Eternal War – Big Guns Never Tire (Objective Markers 1-4). Maelstrom of War – Contact Lost.

I got the first turn. Deployed everything, as he did.

Turn 1

Oops! Siezed Initiative. Instant death for Kairos and almost dead Screamers with Herald. He also claimed 2 objectives in his Deployement.

I did nothing interesting, just rushed forward, claiming 1 objective.

1 - 4

Turn 2

Shooting and dead Screamers. 2 more objectives.

I rushed forward, summoning Daemonettes to my Deployement zone.

1 - 6

Turn 3

Prince and Heralds died (rolling 1 for every Instant Death Ignores Cover Look Out!), few fiends survived. I had no point to continue playing - nobody can reach enemy models, as he will destroy me in 1-2 turns. Even in missions I couldn't match him to get at least 1 point. I surrender...

2 - 10 for the moment... And 0 -20 for the game. The team lose too.

Sporthammer : The Zero Hour - Game 2 - Necrons

Previous game

HQ1: Immotekh the stormlord (225) (warlord) [225 pts]
HQ1.1: Royal Court [145 pts]
Harbinger of despair (30), abyssal staff (0) [30 pts]
Harbinger of eternity (25), aeonstave (0), chronometron (15), [40 pts]
Harbinger of the storm (25), voltaic staff (0), [25 pts]
Harbinger of the storm (25), voltaic staff (0), [25 pts]
Harbinger of the storm (25), voltaic staff (0), [25 pts]

Elites1: 5 Deathmarks [95 pts] in Transport 1

Troop1: 5 Necron Immortals (Gauss Blasters), [85 pts] in Transport 2
Troop2: 5 Necron Immortals (Gauss Blasters), [85 pts] in Transport 3
Troop3: 5 Necron Immortals (Gauss Blasters), [85 pts] in Transport 4
Troop4: 5 Necron Immortals (Gauss Blasters), [85 pts]

HS1: Doom Scythe [175]
HS2: Doom Scythe [175]
HS3: Doom Scythe [175]

Transport1 –Night Scythe [100 pts] transporting Elite1
Transport2 - Night Scythe [100 pts] transporting Troop1
Transport3 - Night Scythe [100 pts] transporting Troop2
Transport4 - Night Scythe [100 pts] transporting Troop3

Fortification: Imperial Bastion (75), comms relay (20), escape hatch (25 pts) [120 pts]

TOTAL: [1850 pts]

Mission - Eternal War – The Scouring. Maelstrom of War – Tactical Escalation.

I didn't catch nor Invisibility, nor + to the Invulnerable save. But, Shrouding - that I need, I did catch it.

I had the whole army on the table and opponent had only the Bastion with Immortals.

Turn 1

Necron did nothing. Immotekh's lightnings killed s screamer or two. As for the mission, he wasd lucky - the marker was near the Bastion.

I rushed forward, summoning a new Horror pack in my deployement zone, and achieving a single marker. Also, a plaguebearers pack was summoned on the Storm.

1 - 1

Turn 2

Almost all Scythes arrived, killing few screamers.

I charged the Bastion with Plaguebearers. Achieved one more mission.

2 - 1

Turn 3

Few Scythes gone away, others rushed to my Horrors. Kairos failed his Ground Test, as the Immortals from Bastion decided to charge him, leaving in a single wound...

But then he gained a Grimoire buff and Immortals were attacked by Fiends... As Plaguebearers claimed the Bastion. My First Blood.

3 - 1

Turn 4

New attacks to the Horrors, but they survived. But, opponent gained 2 Missions.

I did nothing interesting, just a single mission. Oh, killed Horrors by Perils.

4 - 3

Turn 5

Opponent tried to claim the "4 point" marker with 2 packs of Immortals and Immotekh. Killed almost all of my Horrors, achieving 2 missions T_T And claiming "2 points" objective

I shooted down some of the screen-pack of Immortals, then multi-charging all of them with Fiends, annihilating it completely. But I was not careful with consolidation and Cryptek returned to life, claiming the "4-point" objective. Wew both had the Linebreaker.

11 - 12

And this is

9 - 11

And a draw for the team... Mistake with a Cryptek made it, cause we would win, if it didn't reach the Marker.

Next Game