Saturday 5 April 2014


So, the Skarbrand. The Bloodthirster... Without wings. Actually, it's a big minus of him - that he's not a FMC, just a Monster. He's nor able to maneuver, nor to survive...

As a Warlord, he's deadly in HTH... But, who will let him in CC?

As for his rage/fury ability, it's good for non-Khorne melee units... As for Khorne, they can benefit one of that rules with the Locus, so it's a shame... Cause, if there are Flesh Hounds, for example, they will probably be with Herald.

Maybe, he must arrive with Deep Strike, and maybe you need a pack of Bloodcrushers with Icon for him. And also, you must control the reserves. Instruments/comms relay?

Example roster with Skarbrand.



HQ1 : Skarbrand [225] - Warlord
HQ2 : Heralds of Chaos
HQ2.1 : Herald of Nurgle; Palanquin of Nurgle; Exalted Reward [115]
HQ2.2 : Herald of Nurgle; Palanquin of Nurgle; Greater Locus of Fecundity; Greater Reward [130]
HQ2.3 : Epidemius [110]

Elites1 : 3 Bloodcrushers of Khorne; Icon of Chaos; Bloodhunter [150]

Troop1 : 11 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [99]
Troop2 : 14 Daemonettes of Slaanesh; Instrument of Chaos [136]
Troop3 : 14 Daemonettes of Slaanesh; Instrument of Chaos [136]
Troop4 : 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh [135]

FA1 : 7 Plague Drones of Nurgle; Venom Stings; Plaguebringer; Greater Reward [354]

HS1 : Soul Grinder; Daemon of Slaanesh; Baleful Torrent [170]
HS2 : Soul Grinder; Daemon of Slaanesh; Baleful Torrent [170]


Fort1 : Aegis Defence Lines; Comms Relay [70]

TOTAL [2000]

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