Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Sporthammer : The Zero Hour - Game 1 - Crimson Slaughter + Chaos SpaceMarines

I remind of my roster.

My opponent's one:

Combined Arms Detachment (Primary): Crimson Slaughter

HQ1 (Warlord): Sorcerer (60), 2x Additional Mastery Level (50), Daemonheart (30), Gift of Mutation (10), Sigil of Corruption (25), Spell Familiar (15), Bike (20), Force Axe (0) [210pts]
HQ2: Sorcerer (60), 2x Additionl Mastery Level (50), Bike (20), The Balestar of Mannon (25), Force Axe (0) [155pts]

Troop1: 10 Chaos Cultists (50) [50pts]
Troop2: 10 Chaos Cultists (50) [50pts]

FA1: 5 Chaos Spawn (150), Mark of Nurgle (30) [180pst]
FA2: Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) [170pts]
FA3: Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) [170pts]

HS1: 3 Obliterators (210), Mark of Nurgle (18) [228pts]
HS2: 2 Obliterators (140), Mark of Nurgle (12) [152pts]
HS3: 5 Havocs (75), 4x Autocannon (40) [115pts]

Fortification: Imperial Bastion (75), Comms Relay (20) [95pts] 

Allied Detachment: Chaos Space Marines

HQ1: Sorcerer (60), 2x Additionl Mastery Level (50), Bike (20), Sigil of Corruption (25), Gift of Mutation (10), Force Axe (0), Black Mace (45), Spell Familiar (15) [225pts]

Troops1: 10 Chaos Cultists (50) [50pts]

Total: [1850pts]

Mission - Eternal War – Purge the Alien. Maelstrom of War – Deadlock.

Opponent sent Oblis to reserves via Deep Strike, and the rest was deployed; Havocs - in the Bastion.

I deployed everything, but no one pack of Horrors that got Cursed Ground - it will arrive by Deep Strike.

As for Psychic powers, I got Shrouding, Invisibility, Forewarning and Endurance for the important. CSM got Invisibility and Endurance.

Turn 1

CSM just rushed forward, completing 2 Maelstorm missions - 3 markers to hold and one of the own markers. He's lucky, because he got 4 points. I didn't allow him to make Spawn invisible.

My turn was to also rush forward and achieve only one objective - my marker. For the second one, Fiends didn't charge the Cultists in 7 of them. But, the army was supported by magic - Shrouding for Tzeentch, 2++, Endurance and Invisibility for Fiends.

1 - 4

Turn 2

Both obli packs and Drakes arrived, damaging Kairos for 1 wound with Vector Strikes.

Obli and Drakes tried to kill Horror pack, but killed only few of them.

Opponent completed 2 more missions - own marker and none of my units within 12" of his table edge. No Invisibility again.

I made a new Psychic Shield, and charged - Screamers to cultists and Fiends to Spawn.

DP charged Obli, killing one of them. Kairos conjured a pack of screamers, that Turbo-boosted to protect Horrors from Obli Charge.

As a result, the cultists became the First blood. I also achieved 2 missions - the marker near the now-dead-cultists and destroying the unit.

5 - 6

Turn 3

Still fighting. Still no Invisibility. But Drakes, Havocs and Obli drilled the Screamers, killing some. Obli charged and Killed the conjured Screamers, even with no harm from those.

Meanwhile, Sorcerer with Invisibility was slain, and he was a Warlord. And my opponent has scored none.

Kairos, protected by Grimoire rushed forward, making 3++ for Fiends both with an arrived pack of Horrors.

DP finished the Obli pack and the second Sorcerer was slain. The remaining Screamers charged the Hover Drake, destroying the Baleflamer and lefting him in a single Hull.

I also achieved one mission - my own marker again.

10 - 6

Turn 4

The almost dead Drake has left the combat airspace, and the other one decided to continue killing Screamers from Hover.

This time, only the single-wounded Herald survived.

The Spawn and Sorcerers finally died.

Cultist pack charged the Pink Horrors with a Ground, but failed and decided to fall back.

CSM achieved the mission to destroy a unit.

Kairos got 2++ again and flied to destroy the Drake in the rear armour and succeed. 

The Herald summoned the Great Unclean One, that killed 3 more cultists from the fleeing unit.

DP charged the second Obli pack, killing one and losing a single wound.

The Fiend Boing charged the Bastion, leaving it with a single HP.

13 - 8

Turn 5

The cultists runned out from the table edge, and the rest tried to kill fiends, but did nothing interesting.

DP finally slayed the Obli pack.

Then, Kairos destroyed the Bastion with magic, and the Unclean and Fiends both charged Havocs and Cultists, deatroying all.

Also, one more objective completed.

18 - 8

Turn 6

The one-left Heldrake flied trying to kill a single Herald on Marker, right into a trap. It was destroyed by Kairos and the Prince.

So, it's 20-0 as a Wipe-out for me.

The rest of the team played poor enough - Our DE had 0 from Necrons and CSM got 14 from Bike-Centurion SM. But this was enough for victory.

Saturday, 27 December 2014


There's an Open Russian Championship 2015 soon, so I've started to think of a roster... Long for a long I tried to create something, but the best choice was an upgrade my team list... So

HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver [300] – Warlord
HQ2 : Heralds of Chaos:
HQ2.1 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [150]
HQ2.2 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Exalted Locus of Beguilement; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [170]
HQ2.3 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [140]
HQ2.4 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [140]

Elite1 : 7 Fiends of Slaanesh [245]

Troop1 : 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [108]
Troop2 : 11 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; Iridescent Horror [104]

FA1 : 7 Screamers of Tzeentch [175]

HS1 : Daemon Prince; Daemon of Tzeentch; Warp-Forged Armour; Daemonic Flight; Greater Reward; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [355]
HS2 : Burning Chariot of Tzeentch; Blue Horror Crew [110]

TOTAL [1997]

White & Red Horrors of Tzeentch :3

Few more paint job. My plan for the tomorrow team event is done, and one Horror pack with Kairos remaining for the Winter Cup.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Daemon Prince

Here's a first DP in a new scheme. 2 packs of Horrors and Kairos remaining for the Team Cup list.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Fiends and Heralds

Some new painted miniatures. They are also fresh-converted, every miniature. Tomorrow they'll have their baptism of fire and their first tournament on the weekend - the little team event.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Screamers and Herald

Hi, folks! I've started the new colour scheme, re-painting my Daemons, cause they were awful. So, at the start, there's a Screamers squad with the Herald - the Grimoire bearer.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Fiend Star again

Greetings, comrades! The Team events up comming in Moscow - one little, for training and one huge. So, It's time to share for you my roster.

Chaos Daemons - COMBINED ARMS DETACHMENT [Primary Detachment]

HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver [300] – Warlord
HQ2 : Heralds of Chaos:
HQ2.1 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [150]
HQ2.2 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Exalted Locus of Beguilement; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [170]
HQ2.3 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [140]
HQ2.4 : Herald of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh; Lesser Reward; Greater Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 2) [140]

Elite1 : 7 Fiends of Slaanesh [245]

Troop1 : 11 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [99]
Troop2 : 11 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [99]

FA1 : 6 Screamers of Tzeentch [150]

HS1 : Daemon Prince; Daemon of Tzeentch; Warp-Forged Armour; Daemonic Flight; Greater Reward; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [355]

TOTAL [1848]

The plan is simple:

1. Rush Forward.
2. Use Telepathy.
3. Use the Book.
4. Conjure with the Horrors.
5. ...
6. PROFIT!!!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Winter Kill 2014 - Game 4 - Orks + Waaagh! Ghazkhull

My opponent, known as Whisper... There he is.


HQ1 : Warboss; Mega Armour [100]
HQ2 : Warboss; 'Eavy Armour; Power Klaw [89]
HQ3 : Painboy [50]

Elite1 : 9 Nobz; Waagh! banner; 'Eavy Armour; 5 Power Claws; Transport1 [257]

Troop1 : 30 Boyz; Shootas; 3 Big Shootas; Boss Nob; Power Claw [255]
Troop2 : 30 Boyz; Shootas; 3 Big Shootas; Boss Nob; Power Claw [255]
Troop3 : 17 Boyz; 'Eavy Armour; Nob Boss; Power Claw [205]

FA1 : 3 Deffkoptas [90]

HS1 : Battle Wagon; Big Shootas (x3) [125]
HS2 : 15 Lootas [140]
HS3 : 15 Lootas [140]

Transport1 : Battle Wagon; Big Shootas (x3) [125]

ALLIED DETACHMENT : Waagh! Ghazkhull

HQ1 : Big Mek; Mega Force Field [110]

Troop1 : 20 Boyz; Nob Boss; Power Klaw [60]

HS1 : 3 Killa Kans [150]

TOTAL [2246]

Emperor's Will, classical Deployment. Both markers were on the right side from me. Ork were to go first and deployed on the right flank, excepting for Wagon with 17 Boyz and 'Eavy Boss.

I deployed only the Deathstar on the left flank, keeping Obliterators and Cultists with all Heroes in outflank. And I had no Forewarning.

Turn 1

Big Shootas killed one Screamer. I did nothing.

Turn 2

The Boyz disembarked and tried to charge the Star with Waaagh!.. But failed.

Reserves - single Obliterators that killed 7 Lootaz - poor enough... And Rhino, drived close to Deathstar. The Deathstar, succesfully rolling a Grimoire on themselves, charged the Orks. 8 saves for Instant Death and 6 2s... Cancer. Deathstar died on Daemonic Instability.

Turn 3

Shooting and Killa Kans killed Obli, Rhino was broke.

Single Horrors arrived, near Rhino.

Turn 4

Orks moved forward, some of my survivors died.

Rest of the reserves arrived - Rhino and Horrors not far away from my Marker. And outflank... On the oppose table edge... Cancer. Bug, most of the boyz there were killed. Daemonettes were conjured, blocking the way to Orks toward my Marker.

Turn 5

Daemonettes were killed, and Orks charged the Cultists. But they escaped, using HnR. Rhino lost 2 HP.

Then, Rhino failed the Dangerous Terrain Test and wrecked... And CSM didn't score the marker - less, then an inch T_T Cancer. It could be a draw in Primary Mission. But, I lost, as did in Secondary.

3 - 17 (if it was 7 - 13, I could be happy for a such result with a dice cancer :3)

And the Overall - 36 and 25/38 place... Bad, but... It wasn't a power roster. And I had lots of fun, and this is the main rule ^_^

Winter Kill 2014 - Game 3 - Emperor's Children

So, tat's a Horus Heresy army of Set... But Set himself was absent, and I played another dude instead, sorry for I don't know his name.

Set is in the middle, my actual opponent is right one


HQ1 : Chaplain: Terminator Armour [120]
HQ2 : Praetor; Terminator Armour; Iron Halo; Praetor Blade; Sonic Shrieker; Rite of War : Orbital Assault [170]
HQ3 : Moritat [155]

Elite1 : 5 Palatines; Charbanal Sabres (x5); Sonic Shriekers (x5); Palatine Perfector [195]
Elite2 : 5 Phoenix Terminators; Sonic Shriekers (x5); Phoenix Champion [280]

Troop1 : 10 Space Marines; Legion Vexilla; Nuncio-Vox; Transport1 [170]
Troop2 : 10 Assault Space Marines; Power Weapons (x2); Assault Sergeant; Power Weapon; Artificer Armour [290]

FA1 : Storm Eagle Gunship; TL Multi-Melta; TL Lascannons [285]
FA2 : 6 Seekers; Combi-Meltas (x5); Transport2 [240]
FA2 : 6 Seekers; Combi-Plasmas (x5); Transport3 [240]

Transport1 : Drop Pod [35]
Transport2 : Drop Pod [35]
Transport3 : Drop Pod [35]

TOTAL [2250]

Sorry for I don't have photos from game, there are only few pics of his army...

Maelstorm of War, Contact Lost

No invisibility, but a single Forewarning.

I was to go first, leaving Oblis in Deep Strike and Rhino in Reserve. The Second Rhino contained Sorcerer and Ahriman, While Cypher and Cultists infiltrated.

Opponent deployed the Jump Packers.

Turn 1

Objective : Marker in opponent's Deploy.

Rhino drives closer, seeing Moritat with meltaguns. Hello! First Blood! Sorcerers joined the Cultists. Screamers and Daemonettes were conjured, but the Screamers went to ongoing reserves.

Enemy objective : Destroy Vehicle.

2 Drop Pods - Troop to the marker in hos Deploy and other to mine, destroys the Rhino.

0 - 1

Turn 2

Objectives : marker in the Middle twice, destroy Vehicle, destroy unit in melee.

Reserves didn't come. Screamers re-located to the objective marker. Daemonettes tried to charge Seekers, but failed, Deathstar charged the Pod, but it survived. Horrors conjured LoCh, that went to Ongoing Reserves. He got the second Forewarning.

Enemy Objectives : marker in my Deploy, 3 squads in own Deploy.

Eagle arrived, the third squad in Deploy. Last Drop Pod arrived at he objective Marker. Assault Squad killed the conjured Screamers, while my Screamers dealt with the Pod. I will got my points next turn.

2 - 3

Turn 3

Objectives : 2 Markers in my Deploy

2 Obli packs and Rhino arrived. CSM destroyed the new Pod, and Obli destroyed one in opponent's Deploy and a few local SM. Cultists, buffed with Forewarning, Misfortune and Prescience charged and slayed Assault ones, while Daemonettes and Death Star killed Seekers (sorry, one Seeker with Daemonettes survived). 

Enemy Objectives : Marker in my Deploy.

Palatines charged and slayed my Daemonettes. Eagle made a single wound to LoCh, dropping him to ground.

6 - 4

Turn 4 

Objective : twice markers, then enemy

New obli arrived - three squads finished the tactical squad. The misfortuned Palatines were killed by CSM and Screamers.

No Objectives, as no Markers.

Eagle went to hover, disembarking Terminators. They failed their Charge to Cultists.

7 - 4

Turn 5

We didn't roll Objectives.

Oblis scored my 1st one objective marker, and destroyed the Eagle. Cultists and LoCh charged the misfortuned Termi. 2 Phases and they're finished.

8 (or better) - 4 and Wipe Out

I've lost some units, so

19 - 1